When it comes to reaching a goal, organization and time management are two things that you must have. I cannot say enough how much these two traits have kept me on top of my work and allowed me to reach many goals. I will be giving my tips on how I manage my time and stay organized. Everyone does things differently, but I can say doing these things have helped me tremendously!
- Get a planner: I know this sounds cliché but there are so many people who don’t have a planner or have one and don’t use it. If you are going to buy a planner, you must use it in the right ways. Right now, I mainly use my planner to organize what I have to do in class. At the beginning of the semester (when I get my syllabus), I write down all of my assignments in the calendar sections. One color stands for tests, another for quizzes, and another one for big assignments/projects. Then, I use another color for all of the events I will be going to (mainly sorority events). Then, I plan out the upcoming week every Sunday. I have a different color for each class and I write what I need to do each day. For example, one day I might have to study, work on my project, and do Finance homework. I put checkboxes next to each one of these tasks (because I am very type A) and I like to feel like I accomplished something each time I check one off. I have linked a couple of planners here, here, and here.
- Write out your week: I use a weekly planner and keep it on my desk so I can visualize what my week will look like. I write out where I have to go each day. For example, I write out the times of each of my classes and then write in any meetings I might have. This helps me see where the breaks in my day will be so I can plan on getting work done during those times. It also helps when someone calls you and wants to schedule a meeting with you. You can quickly see what times you have available. I have linked some really cute and affordable weekly planners here and here.
- Don’t procrastinate: You are probably thinking easier said then done. I promise you if you get in a habit of not procrastinating you will never want to wait until the last minute again. I have always worked ahead on assignments or projects that I need to get done because it has helped me reduce stress and has allowed me to have more free time. I get satisfaction out of finishing something a week early. You get it off your mind and can start working on the next thing you have to do. If you start this, you will get more done (I promise).
- If you’re on time your late: This is a phrase that I always heard when I was a student ambassador in high school. It has stuck with me ever since. If you are managing your time properly and have written out your schedule, then you will not be late to an event. Showing up on time speaks volumes to employers and will pay off in the future.
- To-do list: I have a separate to-do list of things that I want to get done but don’t have to be finished right away. I use the sticky note tool on my laptop so everytime I open up my desktop I see things I need to eventually get done. Whenever I have free time, I will look at the list to see what I can check off.
This is the list of things that helps me stay on top of my work. I have gone through college developing these habits and it has allowed me to achieve great things. I hope these tricks work for you too!
Love the online sticky note idea! I try to plan out my week, but it seems hard lately now that we’re just home most of the time.
I am so glad you are going to try it out! Some of the things on my sticky note: order a birthday gift for a friend, order pictures so I can switch them out for newer ones..(just a couple of ideas!) My thought process is “what can I get done now that would help me save time in the future.”