10 things I learned the hard way in college

things I learned in college
things I learned in college
things I learned in college
things I learned in college
things I learned in college

Why college is worth it

College is hard. Really hard. And I don’t just mean that classes are hard. College teaches you life lessons that you will never forget. I am not saying that college isn’t some of the best years of your life (because it absolutely is), but to be able to enjoy the good times you are going to go through some hard times as well and that is okay. As a senior in college, reflecting back on the last three years is bittersweet. I do not want to leave the place that has shaped me and made me who I am. There is so much I have learned in these past three years and I am a stronger person because of it.

Today, I want to share the hard things I learned throughout my years at college. To be honest, I am glad I learned these things the hard way because if you aren’t learning you aren’t going to grow.

Things I learned in college

  1. Freshman year is the hardest year: I remember how excited I was to start a new chapter of my life and go to college. I could not wait to make new friends and have new experiences. While I did make new friends and create amazing memories, I also had to adjust to something completely new which was hard. No one talks about how hard freshman year is (especially the first semester) until the year is over. I remember going home for the summer and talking to some high school friends one night. Someone brought up how hard freshman year was and everyone agreed. You think you are the only one at the time with these feelings because everyone is posting pictures about how amazing their school is, but trust me they are struggling too. It is just hard to be away from family for the first time, make new friends, and figure out a whole new schedule.
  2. Take care of yourself: I would say I have been good about making sure I eat healthy and exercise, but it definitely takes time when you are doing it on your own for the first time. Sleep, water, exercise, and healthy food will take you the farthest. It took me time to find an exercise routine that worked for me, but once I found one I stuck to it. I am still learning how to cook, but you won’t learn unless you practice! (not going to lie there are a lot of nights with meals from Trader Joe’s, find my TJ grocery list here). I have learned in college that well-being is one of the most important things!
  3. Don’t stress yourself out: I have always been a go-getter and overachiever. I like to do well and set high goals for myself. While that is a great characteristic, sometimes I overextended myself. I remember one semester where I was just exhausted because I took on too many tasks. It is so important to find balance. You want to do well in school, but I promise you it is not worth it to always stress about your grades and what you can put on your resume. At the end of the day, it will work out and you will do well as long as you make an effort. I learned to “go with the flow” in college.”
  4. Friends will come and go: And that is okay. College is all about finding yourself and finding those people you can trust. You will make lifelong friends, but you will also have people that might only be a friend for a semester or a year. You can’t take it personally; it is reality. The people who stick by your side at the end of the day, those are the people that will have your back the rest of your life.
  5. Your sorority does not define you: When rushing, I knew what sorority I wanted to be in from the beginning. I had genuine relationships with the people in that sorority and I knew it was the right choice. While I loved my sorority and the people in it, I would be lying if I didn’t say there were times where I wanted to know what other sororities are doing. It goes back to everyone making Instagram their “highlight reel.” People will make you think that their experiences are better than yours, but that is not true! A sorority is what you make it, but it has nothing to do with your identity. Make your friends and learn new things, but don’t let it be your whole life.
  6. When someone proves who they are the first time, believe them: You meet a lot of people throughout your years at college. But with that, you must discern who those genuine people are (going back to the point that friends will come and go). I would have made life easier for myself if I let some people go sooner than later. You have to guard your heart and trust your instincts.
  7. Enjoy your dating life: The key word being enjoy here. I think it is so important to be single at some point in your college life and not worry about finding a guy. It allows you to build your confidence and learn what you want. The right guy will come at the right time. So many people say this but it is so true. Guys will upset you and they will let you down. Move on and know he wasn’t worth it. Don’t let it get you down because it truly is a waste of time. You are worth more than what any guy thinks of you.
  8. Time goes by fast: College will come and go in the blink of an eye. I feel like it was yesterday that I was a freshman. I truly cannot believe that I am already in my last year. You have to soak up every second and make the most of it.
  9. Not everything goes as planned: I am a planner and while this can be good it can also be good. You cannot plan out your life no matter how hard you try. If you plan out how something will go, and then it doesn’t go that way, you are going to left upset and disappointed. Never did I ever think a pandemic would cut into my senior year of college, but it did, and now I have to make the most of it.
  10. Lean on your friends, family, and God: I have always been a very independent person. I want to figure things out for myself, but sometimes I have to remind myself that I cannot do everything and I do not know everything. Your friends, family, and God will be the ones that carry you through your days at college. Do not rely on yourself. Lean on them in the hard and good times, ask for help if someone offers it, or just ask for help if you need it, and don’t forget to call your family.

And those are the things I learned in college the hard way

You have to figure these things out for yourself. While college is hard, it is so worth it. I am a completely different person that I was my freshman year. I am confident in who I am and what I can go and set out to do. Thank you college for teaching me the hard way.

If you need more advice on college, you can check out my blog post about how I got my internships here. Sign up for my newsletter here to be the first to know about blog post, sale alerts, and more!

Staying styled, southern, and sweet-


Hi friends! My name is Casey and I live in DTX! I am a 24 year old girl chasing my career goals while dressing like a CEO. If you want the perfect mix of career, fashion, and beauty advice, you have come to the right place!

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  1. Stacey wrote:

    Love your post, great advice coming from a wonderful person!

    Posted 10.2.20